The Dark Holocron

In Umbris Potestas Est

Holocron of Chris Raen

Lectures and ponderings of the Force to come.

As for now I am Chris Raen, also known as Chris N, Jedi Knight, former apprentice to Brandon G know simply now as Brandon, 19 years old living in Miami Florida. My strengths are Crystal Healing, energy manipulation, and a deep understanding of the nature of the Force and the ability to ride through it’s currents.

I have no problem discussing any of the topics in my holocron if you wish to though for the shake of not turning this into a long thread I ask that you copy my post and post it in another section of the board (preferable light discussions or general discussions) with an attention comment to me so that I make sure to look at it right away.


There are many who will say that there is no such thing as the will of the Force, that the Force is no sentient and thus can have no will. They are half-way right, the Force is not sentient, but neither is the wind and it blows as it wants, the earth continues on it’s natural orbit, rivers flow the same regardless of who or what is in them.

The Force just like the earth or a river, has a natural order, that natural order is it’s will. It is not a will in a living sense like you and I have, but in the same sense as the earth’s will to continue it’s natural orbit. We as the earth’s inhabitants may do things that damage or hurt the planet but it continues it’s natural flow. So is true for the Force.

Despite many saying they do not believe in the will of the Force, all of us experienced enough with the Force to sense the different emotions and feelings that are transmitted through it are aware of the will of the Force wether we admit it is the will of the Force or not.

The Force follows it’s natural flow and why we or others may do things that go against that natural flow it still continues it the same. As Jedi we can feel the calming peace of the Force, but we can also feel the ripples caused by the pain and chaos we as humans create. These disturbances feel strange and eery cause they are not the natural flow of the Force, they oppose it’s will of steadily and peacefully continues it’s natural order. While no person or even people will have a ever lasting effect on disturbing or opposing the will of the Force people can for significant periods of time cause ripples, it is the Jedi’s job to sooth and quiet these ripples the best we can.

It is true no matter what we do the Force out last all of us and so no matter how long it takes ripples do fade out, but while they continue the world that surrounds the source of these disturbances and any link to that world suffer the negative effects of the ripples and the Force balancing itself out, that is why Jedi seek to qualm disturbances in the Force.

So the big question that many ask and even more use as a reason to disbelieve in the existence of the will of the Force. Does the Force control us? To a large extent people can not stand the concept that we are not in control of our own destinies and it is understandable we all want to know that what we do has some bearing that it matters, and it does. The Force does not control us, we can learn from it and even let it guide our actions when we so choose, but it is our choice, just as it is up to us to understand what it is we feel in the Force and act on it accordingly.

The will of the Force is always present, but it is the Jedi that make that will known.

Two of the names of our paths at the FA have come from the Star Wars universe and why we as a community have grown and changed the concepts of which the Dark community sprang from do exist.
As it currently stands, if someone mentions the darkside and people using their hate and anger to fuel their own abilities the person that mentioned this will usually get yelled at by those of the dark community here at the FA.

I’m not here to argue what the dark community at the FA is, but the name came from the Star Wars universe, and unfortunatly the idea’s of where those names come from do exist and there are those who practice it. So why the Darkside in the movies may not be what the dark community at the FA is for the larger part it does still exist. So why some may take offense to the use of the words darkside, dark Jedi, or dark in relation to those that feed of their own hate and anger, I’m sorry, but I use those terms as they were originally intended not what they want them to be.

That being said, Yes there are dark jedi/sith/whatever you like to call them. There are those who fuel themselves with rage, who seek to cause as much pain and suffering as they can and who will feed off those negative emotions of others to make themselves stronger and to feed their rage. It is also true that these people are not common because, it takes a truly warped individual to live, train, and act that way, it is against so much of what we as people have grown to know and believe. Yet they do exist, and it’s one of the reasons Jedi exist. To try to stop the darksiders, to calm the ripples they cause in the Force and to help those that have been the victims of those true darksiders.

The Darkside of the Force, the raw power individuals like the ones above like to use and aim to control does it exist? In a sense yes, the Force is an energy field that surrounds us all, we all have heard this, but in the literal sense what is energy? It’s power, one form of energy or another is powering many of the things we use, houses, cars, radios, etc. But the Force is just an energy field, it has it’s natural flow as I stated in my previous entry, but it does not have a darkside. The same power the darksiders use with their rage can be harnessed without rage, without the pain and suffering of others, and without causing ripples in the Force. The use and application of the Force along with how we access and channel it is one of the big things that separate the Jedi for the Dark Jedi/sith.

There is a Darkside, but it is not with the Force, the Force does not contain good or evil, but we do. The Darkside is within us. Each person has the potential to do tremendous good or evil, the Jedi seek the former.

(To be continued)

One comment on “Holocron of Chris Raen

  1. Interested
    April 10, 2013

    Where can I communicate with Sith Realists to further my own training?

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This entry was posted on October 25, 2007 by in Holocron of Chris Raen, Jedi Holocrons.