The Dark Holocron

In Umbris Potestas Est

Holocron of Darth Necrom

A Q&A session I had with Lord Virtu concerning my views of the Sith. It was done as a test of sorts to enter into the Sith Council at Darth Draconis’s Order of the Sith.

Virtu: 1. Discuss how your own path has evolved from what you been taught to becoming a Sith to your future.
2. Select the three most important Sith ideals and discuss the importance of them as well as why those three are more important than others.
3. What qualities should a master possess and why are they important?

Darth Necrom: 1. My journey on the path towards becoming a Sith started out with me at the old United Force forum. Here I began learning by myself. I studied the works of Master Anubium and his takes on the Force, The Sith, and how a Sith should conduct himself. The Sith have taught me that no matter what situation I might encounter the teachings of the Sith (more accurately, the Sith Code) shall guide me through it. I was never a child that was raised in a shady family life or an abusive situation, but I could find passion when searching for knowledge regarding paths that were considered dark.
Darth Necrom: 2. Passion– Passion is the most, without a doubt, important thing to a Sith. We seek to be the best we can be. I have said many times before that a Sith is free to pursue any path, but he takes it upon himself to be GOOD at that path. If a Sith wants to help the poor he shall do it and do it well. If a Sith wants to take over a country and be a dictator, he shall do it and do it to the best of his abilities. Fear – A Sith, like any other human being (or creature) is confronted with fear in a day to day fashion. A Sith allows that fear to pass through him/her and give them fuel. A Sith is not blinded by fear instead they turn it into anger, which in a fight is much more productive. A Sith instills fear into his/her enemies. Many say this is evil. It is not it is merely a means to seek an end. Fear can be used to head off violence that may be costly. Therefore every Sith should know it well. Knowledge – A Sith should seek out knowledge in every form so that they may become a wiser individual. I constantly watch the news and frequent news sites. Why? Because a person devoid of any knowledge of the world is a person out of sync with the world. Therefore they shall not be successful in their endeavors. And Sith should not tolerate such failure for long.

Darth Necrom: 3. A Master should be well versed in the ways of deceit, manipulation, education, warfare, history, and philosophy. Deceit so that a Master can conduct his matters in a clandestine fashion. Manipulation so that a Master may always get what he needs to further his goals. Education so that a Master may always teach new Sith the ways of the Sith and how they relate to life. Warfare so that a Master may be well versed in the complexities of combat. Warfare may entail individual combat or combat where large amounts of troops are to be commanded. History so that a Master may have an abundant source of knowledge at his command. Knowledge of the past is critical if one is to do anything in the present. Philosophy so that a Master may know a wide variety of views and perspectives so that he/she may combat any known threat that may arise mentally. physically, or spiritually.


Sith Mantra

I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, Lord of the Night.
I am the keeper of Knowledge
That has remained hidden for eons,
None shall comprehend that which I protect,
None that is except for those I have chosen.

I alone am the Keeper of this most powerful magic,
That which binds the Galaxy and the Universe.
The Chaos, the Rune weaves into that which may be understood.
It is the only true magic in the Universe.

I am the Lord of Illusion.
I am in all places at all times and in no places at no time.
When you think you have found me – You have not.
When you believe you understand me – You do not.
When you think you have bested me – You have already lost.
Behold the might of deception!


I cannot claim to be a master of deception, but I have many tricks that I use:

1. Use gradual manipulations. Don’t force your hand to be played to quickly.

2. Let them always think they are on top.

3. Don’t always do the manipulations yourself. If possible have a
friend/acquaintance relay your “tampered with” information to the person being manipulated. This is good for 2 reasons: One the person can now blame someone other than you if your attempts are discovered. Two the person might not trust you if he keeps seeing you all over the place.

4. If possible mess with their head. They, in a shaken state of mind, might make decisions which are of advantage to you.

5. Become their friend. The closer you are to them the more secrets you might discover about them that would be able to be put to use under your control.These are just suggestions. I have used many of them, but your situations might be different and therefore you wouldn’t be able to use them. These are my ways, but what of yours?


Darkness the True Good?

Man has always been afraid of the dark. He fears what he cannot see, what is beyond his own power. This is the reason why most and all things associated to darkness are considered evil. I find it interesting that man, a being that is surrounded in darkness for the first few months of his existence, cannot come to a better relationship with the dark and has no real interest to ever do so (except for a few, of course). I think the underlying problem is that man sees in stereotypes (light,dark, even grey). Why is the light considered so good? I believe I have found that answer. Man must have something to aid him in the conquest of that which he doesn’t know. But is he really conquering anything? Yes it might seem that with the light the mysteries are understood, the problems solved. But what if the real mystery was in the darkness itself? How then can man truly understand? The answer is that he cannot (at least not using this strategy). Man must turn now to darkness. But he cannot be consumed by it. One must walk the dark paths of the universe and one must understand them and why they exist. We must learn not to limit ourselves in our beliefs. We must learn that,sometimes, in darkness there is hope and shelter. And in turn that,sometimes, in light there is suffering and death. If we are to solve any of the worlds problems we must learn that darkness has its purpose and we must not shy away from it (but not be consumed either). I guess what I’m trying to say is this: We must clothe ourselves in darkness, but be ready to jump head first into the light.


“Loneliness is the poverty of self, solitude is the richness of self”

The power of Solitude

Solitude, like silence, is a lost art in our society. We view solitude as a weakness because we think that an individual not congregating with others equates to that individual not holding any power over the others he or she is communicating with. Nothing could be farther from the truth. However I’m not saying that talking to a great number of people is wrong; I’m just saying that our society favors social ties for all the wrong reasons. Going back to solitude, many ancient civilizations favored solitude, and silence for that matter, as being a means to keep ones self safe from others. If you knew something that others would either be harmed for or would gain something over you, you would often times take a vow of silence and solitude to not utter a word of this information. Like I said above in modern times solitude and making your own path is looked down upon by others because they want you to join their cause either to bolster their ranks or to make themselves feel justified in their actions, often both. But I cannot stress enough the importance of going against what the “group” does. One individual with common sense is harder to influence than a whole group of ignorant bystanders and due to this the group will single out this resistance in often harsh ways. This is where the beauty of solitude comes in. If you master yourself to the point that you no longer need the group than you will not be affected by their actions unless you choose to be. I cannot yet claim to have mastered solitude, but I find my resistance to the draws of the group growing. I don’t want to make it seem as if I’m anti-social, or anything of that matter, because I love being in the company of others. What I mean when I speak of solitude and “going against the group” is that when the group does something or is going to do something that doesn’t favor yourself you need to have the discipline built up to combat their propaganda.

-Darth Necrom


(To be Continued)

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This entry was posted on October 16, 2007 by in Holocron of Darth Necrom, Sith Holocrons.