The Dark Holocron

In Umbris Potestas Est

The Dark Side

(Holocron of Darth Necrom)

The Dark Side is not just a mentality, a side, or even necessarily being “dark”. The Dark Side is about seeking enlightenment by embracing your humanity, your emotions, your thoughts. For how else is one to understand the world or others if he/she cannot understand himself/herself.

The Dark Side is about seeking truth in knowledge. Many will deny you the truth through deprivation of knowledge. Destroy these individuals’ teachings in whatever fashion you deem necessary and find new knowledge. The Dark Side is about a Darwinist approach to knowledge. Shun that which is not truth, swim in what is truth. Cleanse your soul of false propaganda. That is the Dark Side.

The Dark Side is about seeking power. Going back to humanity and its nature, we, as human beings, want power. Now that power can come in different forms, but the will to that power is still there. In many ways power is the dark side. Power always waxes and wanes and the ultimate Sith or Dark-Sider realizes this. Therefore, he picks his battles, ebbing and flowing with the appearance or disappearance of power. In this way the Sith always has power in one way or another.

The Dark Side is natural, therefore, it cannot be good or bad. It just is. In many respects I don’t like the word “Dark Side” because many times dark implies evil or wrongdoing. This is not the case at all. Look in nature, the strong survive and reproduce, and the weak die off. While I don’t emphasize reproduction as much as it is needed in nature, the notion is still there. I have no pity for the poor and apathetic. I do, like Darth Caedus in the fictional novels, like meritocracy. The ones who get the job done deserve promotion and credit. The weak have no point in life except to suffer.

The Dark Side has always been within me. In my times of pain and suffering it has been there offering me hope, pushing me to fight just a bit longer. It has made me who I am and continues to create my internal and external person. The dark side has been called many things: Satan, Yin, Mara (the tempter Buddha’s Dhammapada), etc.

Ultimately, the Dark Side is about strength. Strength of body. Strength of mind. Strength of will. Without strength we are weak, and being weak we are dead. The Dark Side offers strength and is strength. Merely another of the myriad reason why one should embrace the Sith teachings and the Dark Side.

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One comment on “The Dark Side

  1. Dana Christian Barnes
    August 11, 2014

    I Would Like To Know More Of Sith I Also To Join The Sith

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