The Dark Holocron

In Umbris Potestas Est

My Journey

(Holocron of Darth Necrom)

My journey on the path towards becoming a Sith started out with me at the old United Force forum. There I began learning by myself. I studied the works of Master Anubium and his takes on the Force, The Sith, and how a Sith should conduct himself. The Sith have taught me that no matter what situation I might encounter the teachings of the Sith (more accurately, the Sith Code) shall guide me through it. I was never a child that was raised in a shady family life or an abusive situation, but I could find passion when searching for knowledge regarding paths that were considered dark.

Passion is the most, without a doubt, important thing to a Sith. We seek to be the best we can be. I have said many times before that a Sith is free to pursue any path, but he takes it upon himself to be GOOD at that path. If a Sith wants to help the poor he shall do it and do it well. If a Sith wants to take over a country and be a dictator, he shall do it and do it to the best of his abilities. A Sith, like any other human being (or creature) is confronted with fear in a day to day fashion. A Sith allows that fear to pass through him/her and give them fuel. A Sith is not blinded by fear instead they turn it into anger, which in a fight is much more productive. A Sith instills fear into his/her enemies. Many say this is evil. It is not it is merely a means to seek an end. Fear can be used to head off violence that may be costly. Therefore every Sith should know it well. A Sith should seek out knowledge in every form so that they may become a wiser individual. I constantly watch the news and frequent news sites. Why? Because a person devoid of any knowledge of the world is a person out of sync with the world. Therefore they shall not be successful in their endeavors. And Sith should not tolerate such failure for long.

A Master should be well versed in the ways of deceit, manipulation, education, warfare, history, and philosophy. Deceit so that a Master can conduct his matters in a clandestine fashion. Manipulation so that a Master may always get what he needs to further his goals. Education so that a Master may always teach new Sith the ways of the Sith and how they relate to life. Warfare so that a Master may be well versed in the complexities of combat. Warfare may entail individual combat or combat where large amounts of troops are to be commanded. History so that a Master may have an abundant source of knowledge at his command. Knowledge of the past is critical if one is to do anything in the present. Philosophy so that a Master may know a wide variety of views and perspectives so that he/she may combat any known threat that may arise mentally, physically, or spiritually.

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