The Dark Holocron

In Umbris Potestas Est

Step in…

I always wonder why someone who is Light should have anything to fear from the Dark. Why do you see Darkness as something that is bad, and Light as something that is good, why hide – not from what you are – but what you could be? You seem to say the Dark would destroy you, and to that I must say, yes, indeed it would. To cross over, to become more then what you already are and to transcend, you must change what you have been made to be and, by the strength of your own will, you must in a sense destroy what you are in order to again create yourself in your own image, and to sharpen that which you are.

The Light Side, in my own opinion from what I have seen and heard in this place and out of it, is too light a thing. And what happens when you stare into the light for too long? You lose sight, you lose vision, you love too much and you critique too little. Humanity, as a species, has not grown to be what it is today through joy and happiness, but rather it is struggle that has molded us, it is struggle that has made us into what we are, and it is struggle and the quest of individuals away from the herd, into directions that the herd is unwilling to travel that enable the species as a whole to move forward.

You say the Dark is easier. I say no, it’s harder. Far easier not to look into the Dark places within, far easier to keep away from the Dark and stay within the warmth Light makes us feel.

What you say of fear however comes not from following the Dark path; rather it comes from standing in the Light and looking at the Dark. It comes from fear of Darkness. I say have done with fear, I say learn to cherish that which you are, the feelings you feel. I say look within with a mind that welcomes what it sees rather then one that cares for the thoughts of the herd. I say follow through with your mind and explore the Darkness within.

Above all, be aware and be mindful.
Noel Vock, Dark Master

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This entry was posted on October 31, 2007 by in Sith Teachings, The Dark Side.